Last Thursday, I went to Raleigh-Durham International (KRDU) to take pictures of private planes and some regionals.
They're terrible shots; I'm not claiming photography is my forte, but they will suffice.
My car is in the bottom right. Also, some freaky guy in a limo lurked and just watched us haha.
Also, recently, it's snowed in Tokyo. My friend Sohei went outside and took a picture for me to document such a rare occurrence.
In other news, I was digging through my old files, and found pictures from Christmas of '06 back in Australia. (And other random pics from my time back home.)What I wouldn't give to get Engrish as a Christmas present.That'll do for now.
The other day, whilst waiting at a stoplight, I saw a couple whom had walked by looking JUST like the Jeffersons. Seriously. I cracked up so hard. I barely had time to get my camera out, so the shots I took of them are barely visible. If you stare real close, it looks just like them! Hahah.